How To Bind MultiversX Address for DoctorX token Withdrawal before Listings?


  • How to Bind MultiversX Address to Withdraw DoctorX Tokens: A Step-by-Step Guide

As a proud member of the DoctorX community, you are probably eager to withdraw your DoctorX tokens. To do so, you shall need to bind your MultiversX address to the DoctorX app. In this article, we shall walk you through the step-by-step process to help you successfully withdraw your DoctorX tokens. As you know the listing date has been announced click here to see.


  • DoctorX Token Withdrawal: What You Need to Know:

Before we dive into the binding process, let’s quickly cover the basics of DoctorX token withdrawal. To withdraw your tokens, you shall need to submit your MultiversX address in the DoctorX app. Sounds simple, right?



Specification Description
Token Type Community token of the ICE Open Network
Token Name DoctorX
Binding Requirement Binding MultiversX address to DoctorX app
Binding Purpose To withdraw DoctorX tokens
Verification Process CMC Verification, X Verification, Coinmarketcap Verification, Telegram Verification
MultiversX Address Requirement Valid MultiversX address obtained through xPortal app
Supported Platforms Mobile devices with DoctorX app and xPortal app
Support DoctorX support team
  • Method of Withdrawal: A Step-by-Step Guide:

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s move on to the step-by-step guide on how to bind your MultiversX address: In the below we have given all the details to easily withdraw your DoctorX tokens. Please read carefully and submit your address step by step as given below.

1._ Download xPortal App:  Download xPortal App from Google Play Store. After downloading make account and create wallet.(xPortal as shown in below image)


2. _Open the DoctorX App_: Start by opening the DoctorX app on your device.

3. _Click on MultiversX Address ICON_: On the home page, click on the MultiversX Address ICON.(as shown below in the picture)

4. CMC Verification: You will be redirected to a new window where you shall see the CMC Verification. Here, you’ll need to prove that you are using all projects’ apps of the ICE Open Network. System will ask you to insert verification code of all ION Apps. The verification code can be taken from every ION App in settings. Just open the App and go to settings and copy the verification code and paste.

5. X Verification: After completing the CMC Verification, you’ll move on to the X verification. Here, you’ll need to copy and paste a given post on X, follow all given X accounts, and paste the post link in the given space.

6. _Coinmarketcap Verification_: Next, you’ll need to add ICE to your watchlist on Coinmarketcap and make a comment. Copy the comment address and paste in Verification tab.


7. _Telegram Verification_: Finally, you’ll need to complete the Telegram verification by following simple tasks like following accounts.

8. Submit Your MultiversX Address: Once you have completed all the verifications, you’ll need to submit your MultiversX address. To do this, download the xPortal app, as mentioned above create an account, and get any MultiversX address. Then, paste the address into the DoctorX app.

As shown in image just copy this address and paste to DoctorX App.

Please keep in mind that verification is compulsory and you have to pass all the verification steps to get your withdrawal. In case you failed to get verify your all tokens will be burn and you will not get any token.

  • Tips and Reminders:
  1. Before you start the binding process, here are a few tips and reminders to keep in mind:
  2. -Make sure you have the latest version of the DoctorX app installed on your device.
  3. Double-check that you have completed all the verifications correctly.
  4. If you encounter any issues during the binding process, don’t hesitate to reach out to the DoctorX support team.
  5. Pass the verification as soon as possible before the deadline.

Click Here to get all the important dates about DoctorX token

  • Conclusion:

Binding your MultiversX address to the DoctorX app is a straightforward process that requires a few simple steps. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to successfully withdraw your DoctorX tokens. Remember to stay patient, follow the instructions carefully, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help.




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